C and C++ Static and Dynamic Code Analysis- Code Quality improvement

Writing good quality code is the goal of all the software developers. However, writing very good quality code following complete rules at the first attempt is difficult. It is essential to use code quality tools, unit test execution and coverage to identity the main vulnerabilities, coverage of the code and fix before release for quality testing. The complexity analysis and quality metrics are important for developers, architects and managers to shape the project to deliverable quality.
There are many open source and commercial code quality tools available in the market. Code quality tools can have categorized into three main categories
1.      Static and Dynamic analysis tool
2.      Code coverage tools
3.      Unit test framework
Static and Dynamic analysis tools:
Static code analysis aims to scan the entire project, directories, files and provides the detailed report about code quality and potential issues such as memory leak, unused variables, dereferencing null pointers, boundary validation etc. It also provides on the fly feedback to the developers about the potential issues and can also provide run time errors and warnings. The tools also generate unique metrics for easy visualization and understanding about the code qualities. Few standard static analysis tools already incorporated some of the Coding standard compliant mechanism such as MISRA C/C++, CWE etc.
I have used many opensource tools in my career for analysing C, C++, Java and JavaScript code. I am going to list out few open source static analysis tools and demonstrate usage one or two familiar tools with an example. I have captured and listed the information from my own study and experimentation. Some information’s may not be 100% accurate or missing 😊.

Static Code analysis – Open Source
  Static Code analysis
  Detect undefined behaviors
  Memory leak
  MISRA compliance check
  Bounds checking
  Function usage
  Available as Eclipse and Jenkins plugin
  Use custom config file
  Custom rules using regular expression
  Results categorized as Error, Warning, Performance and Informative
  Report in XML Format
  Can convert from XML to HTML
List of checks:
Plugin available for
Eclipse - Cppcheclipse
Jenkins - Cppcheck Plugin
Sonarcube and SonarLint
  Open source platform for continuous inspection
  Uses pattern matching, dataflow analysis
  SonarLint is an eclipse plugin to connect with SonarQube
  SonarLint needs C/C++ plugin installation in SonarQube for C/C++ code analysis.
  Find code smells, bugs and security vulnerabilities
  parser supporting C89, C99, C11, C++03, C++11, C++14 and C++17 standards
  Buffer check, memory leak, conditions, pointer check.
  Analysis is automatically triggered
  can configure rules
  import Unit Tests Execution Reports
  import Coverage Results
  Activate multithreaded code scan
  CWE Compatible
  Cognitive Complexity
  Visualize the history of a project
  Enforce Quality Gate
  Lines of code
  Integrate Unit test coverage
  Import GCOV Coverage 
  Integrate CPPUnit for unit testing
  Issues categorized as Error, Warning, Performance and Informative
  Memory Leak
  Dead Code
  Logic Flow Error
  Coding convention
  Error Handling
  can be run either as a standalone tool or within Xcode
  Fast and light-weight
  built on top of Clang and LLVM
  Core Checkers
  C++ Checkers
  check for unused code
  Nullability Checkers
  insecure API usage and perform checks based on the CERT Secure Coding Standards
  Use of Unix and POSIX APIs
SonarQube C++ plugin

  Adds C++ support to SonarQube with the focus on integration of existing C++ tools
  SonarCFamily for C/C++ - Commercial version
  SonarQube C++ - Community plugin for free

  Support to integrate CppCheck for code analysis
  Support to integrate CppUnit for executing unit tests
  Support to integrate Gcov / gcovr for coverage reports


  Valgrind is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. You can also use Valgrind to build new tools.
  The Valgrind distribution currently includes six production-quality tools: a memory error detector, two thread error detectors, a cache and branch-prediction profiler, a call-graph generating cache and branch-prediction profiler, and a heap profiler.
  It also includes three experimental tools: a stack/global array overrun detector, a second heap profiler that examines how heap blocks are used, and a SimPoint basic block vector generator.
  six production-quality tools:
   a memory error detector
  two thread error detectors
  a cache and branch-prediction profiler
  a call-graph generating cache
  branch-prediction profiler
  heap profiler.
  It also includes three experimental tools:
  stack/global array overrun detector
  heap profiler that examines how heap blocks are used
  SimPoint basic block vector generator

Code coverage Tools
  Open source coverage tool for code analysis
  Dynamic code analysis
  Not maintained for long time
  Total number of (instrumented) lines of code,
  Total number that were executed
Gcov / gcovr
  Code coverage analysis and statement-by-statement profiling tool
  Use in conjunction with GCC to test code coverage
  use gcov along with the other profiling tool, gprof
  Text output with total lines, coverage statistics indicated with summary statistics and lists of uncovered line
  Branch coverage
  XML output that is compatible with the Cobertura code coverage utility.
  HTML output with coverage rates indicated using colored bar graphs

Unit test framework
  JUnit framework for unit testing
  very familiar for developers who have used JUnit or similar testing tools
  XML output compatible with continuous integration reporting systems
  Automatic testing –XML output and GUI based for supervised tests
  Specifically developed for C++11

  portable and powerful, yet simple, unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++
  Focuses on usability & extensibility
  Hierarchical test suits
  Simplicity in use, use one include file and single Suite class in TEST name space
  Rich assertion messages
  Test::TextOutput. This is the simplest of all output handlers. The display mode could be either verbose or terse.
  Test::CompilerOutput. The output is generated in a manner resembling a compiler build log.
  Test::HtmlOutput. Fancy HTML output.
Google Test
  Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation.
  Does not support C++11 move semantics
  Test discovery.
  A rich set of assertions.
  User-defined assertions.
  Death tests.
  Fatal and non-fatal failures.
  Value-parameterized tests.
  Type-parameterized tests.
  Various options for running the tests.
  XML test report generation.
  unit xUnit test framework for unit testing and for test-driving your code
  Allow to run tests JUnit style
  Available as Eclipse plugin
  Fast test setup, ease of use, and detailed reporting
  No external dependencies. As long as you can compile C++11 and have a C++ standard library available.
  Write test cases as, self-registering, functions (or methods, if you prefer).
  JUnit xml output is supported for integration with third-party tools, such as CI servers

Boost Test Library

  Handles exceptions and crashes very well
  Simplify writing test cases by using various testing tools.
  Organize test cases into a test tree.
  Relieve you from messy error detection, reporting duties and framework runtime parameters processing.

The below section describes the setup and usage of SonarQube.
SonarQube :
SonarQube is an open source platform for continuous code quality inspection and perform automatic inspection of code for code check, bug detection, find vulnerabilities. It helps to perform checks on more than 20 programming languages. SonarQube is the server for report hosting and interpreting reports ,metrics generation using appropriate scanner pluing for each language. The following are the key metrics provides by the SonarQube for C/C++ code analysis.
        Bugs and Vulnerabilities
        Code Smells
        Directory level issues count
        File level issues count
       Lines to cover
       Uncovered lines
       line coverage
       lines of code
       comment lines,
       comment %
       Cyclometric complexity (overall project, component wise and files)
       Code smells
        Quality Gate Set
       Coverage on New Code
       Duplicated Lines on New Code (%)
       Maintainability Rating on New Code
       Reliability Rating on New Code
       Security Rating on New Code

Setup and Run SonarQube Server:
1.  Download SonarQube from https://www.sonarqube.org/downloads/  for Linux.
2. The pre-requstie for SonarQube installation and execution are listed in https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Requirements  . Make sure the appropriate version of open JRE/Open JDK installed.
3. Use the below command in ubuntu to install open JDK and Open JRE version 8.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
4.  set up the Java 8 environment variables and check Java version
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
java -version
5. Configure the parameters as described in https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Requirements
6. Install SonarQube in /etc folder and run using the command: sudo ./etc/sonarqube-x.x/bin/linux-x86-32/sonar.sh console
The below message shows the SonarQube server started successfully
jvm 1    | 2018.04.23 11:44:46 INFO  app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[web] is up
jvm 1    | 2018.04.23 11:44:46 INFO  app[][o.s.a.p.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key='ce', ipcIndex=3, logFilenamePrefix=ce]] from [/etc/sonarqube-6.7.1]: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/etc/sonarqube-6.7.1/temp -Xmx512m -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -cp ./lib/common/*:./lib/server/*:./lib/ce/*:/etc/sonarqube-6.7.1/lib/jdbc/h2/h2-1.3.176.jar org.sonar.ce.app.CeServer /etc/sonarqube-6.7.1/temp/sq-process8900001930010179462properties
jvm 1    | 2018.04.23 11:44:52 INFO  app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[ce] is up
jvm 1    | 2018.04.23 11:44:52 INFO  app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is up

7. Use URL: http://localhost:9000 to open SonarQube Server dashboard in browser 

8. Login SonarQube Dashboard using default username:admin Password:admin

9. Generate new token from http://localhost:9000/account/security/ and the same token should be used from clients (scanners) to establish connection.

Install C/C++ plugin and Scanners for Static Analysis:
1.      Commercial plugin- Download and install sonarCFamily plugin (http://www.sonarsource.com/products/plugins/languages/cpp/and copy SonarQube Plugin Directory (/etc/sonarqube-x.x/extensions/plugins/) . It requires valid license.
2.       For Community plugin  , download  community sonar-cxx plugin from (https://github.com/SonarOpenCommunity/sonar-cxx ) and copy SonarQube Plugin Directory (/etc/sonarqube-x.x/extensions/plugins/) . It does not require any license
3.      The C++ plugin won't execute any test code or run coverage tool or run static code checkers in SonarQube . It basically helps to interpret the provided reports from the Scanner, generate metrics and loads in the server.
4.      Note that the implementation of sonar-cxx supports multiple sensors such as CPPCheck, PCLint,Valgrind etc.. The complete list of supported sensors implementation can be seen inside plugin sonar-cxx/org/sonar/plugins/cxx/ . It means the project generates report from the tools such as CPPCheck, PCLint,Valgrind etc.., push report to server and the reports are interpreted , validated and metrics generated using sonar-cxx plugin at the server side.
5.      It is the application or project responsibility to generate reports and push it to the SonarQube Server. Application or Project can use Command Line tool (sonarscanner)or IDE plugin (sonarLint for Eclipse) to generate report connect with SonarQube and push .
6.      SonarLint will not work with Community sonar-Cxx Plugin. It will work only with sonarCFamily plugin for C/C++. So SonarScanner is the option for open source
7.      Install SonarScanner Command line interface from https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN/Analyzing+with+SonarQube+Scanner , Sonar scanner used to scan, connect with sonarqube ,push the report and display the analysis result.
8.      Configure sonar.host.url in sonar-scanner.properties (sonar-scanner-x.x/conf)
#----- Default SonarQube server

9.      Update the PATH variable with sonar-scanner installation path.

The setup is fully ready to from the scanner to connect with server and SonarQube to report interpretation, analysis and publishing. But Need report to analysis. How to generate the report? It is required to generate static analysis report at the project level. Now we will see how to generate static analysis report using multiple tools in the project and send to server for analysis.

Integrate Static Analysis, Code coverage and Unit test framework in Project and Generate report:

Here I want to discuss how to integrate few standalone static analysis tools in project , define rules and generate reports.

1.      Capture Compiler Warnings
First , let us start with capturing compiler warning report . Most of the time compiler warning is not taken into account. However less compiler warning defined good code quality. To include all the compiler warnings in the static analysis report, the warning flag of the compiler enabled and all warnings are captured in a file.
1.      Enable -fdiagnostics-show-option flag in GCC build option
2.      Redirect all warning into file (warning.log)
3.      In sonar-scanner.properties file define the following properties
The options and procedure is listed in the link https://github.com/SonarOpenCommunity/sonar-cxx/wiki/Compilers 
While running analysis, sonar scanner fetches the file and push to server for analysis

2.      Run CPPCHECK and Capture Static Analysis report
Cppcheck is general purpose static checking tool . It detects many real-time issues with few false positives. It also used for MISRA C compliance check. The complete information on installation and configuration details are available in http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/
A.     Download and install CPPCHECK in the system (http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/)
B.     Run $cppcheck  in command line displays the options and information of the tool
C.     To enable all the checks and store the output in the XML, use the below command.
cppcheck -v --enable=all --xml -Isrc  src 2> output/cppcheckreport.xml
It will analyze the src folder and store the XML result in output folder. Enable options for additional checks. The values are performance, portability, information, style,all . Enaling ‘all’ to include all the checks.

3.      Run VERA and Capture Static Analysis report
# Run vera: static code checker focusing on code style issues
       bash -c 'find src -regex ".*\.cc\|.*\.hh" | vera++ - -showrules -nodup |& vera++Report2checkstyleReport.perl > $(BUILD_DIR)/vera++-report.xml'

4.      RATS to perform security check and analysis
RATS perform rough analysis on the security problems such as common security related programming errors such as buffer overflows and TOCTOU (Time Of Check, Time Of Use) race conditions. The tool downloaded and installed in the system .The RATS report can be captured in XML using

                 rats -w 3 --xml src > output/rats-report.xml

5.      VALGRIND for memory analysis in program
Valgrind can be used for memory debugging, memory leak detection and profiling. The tool first installed in the system and use hte below command to get valgrind report from program in XML format.
              -valgrind --xml=yes --xml-file=output/valgrind-report.xml   output/program

For more details about installation, usage options refer http://valgrind.org/

6.      Unit Test and Coverage
Unit test and coverage is more critical to detect error during development phase and get the code coverage. Google Test framework is widely used unit test tool for C/C++. The procedure to illustrate the usage of gtest and gcovr are given below
A.     Google Test
Setup and build:
Gtest enables writing independent, reusable and portable C++ unit test cases.  
1.      Download the latest release of gtest from https://github.com/google/googletest
2.      Build using CMake as mentioned here https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/README.md
3.      Simple build without CMake by coping src directory to the local working directory and use make file to compile as below

       g++ -I  /gtest/include -I /gtest/src  -c  src/gtest-all.cc -o gtest-all.o
       g++  /gtest/include -I /gtest/src  -g  -c  src/gtest_main.cc -o gtest_main.o
       ar  -r libgtest.a gtest-all.o gtest_main.o

4.      Now gstest library is compiled and ready to write test cases .
Writing Test cases and Execution:
The below example shows the simple example to write test case for simple class methods
Compoment1.cc has simple class and method
class Test1 {
    int Check(int ,int);

// return Sum of two int
int Test1::Check(int a ,int b){
 return (a + b);
The test cases are written for the method
libcomponents.a: components.o
       ar -r $@ components.o

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <component1.cc>

namespace {
    class Component1Test : public ::testing::Test {
        Test1 test1;
 The source component is build using

TEST_F(Component1Test, PositiveNos) {
    ASSERT_EQ(3, test1.Check(1, 2));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, test1.Check(0,0));
    ASSERT_NE(10, test1.Check(10,0));
    ASSERT_NE(21, test1.Check(9,19));

TEST_F(Component1Test, NegativeNos) {
    ASSERT_EQ(-8, test1.Check(-8,0));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, test1.Check(5,-5));
   ASSERT_NE(-3, test1.Check(2,-5));
   ASSERT_EQ(-5, test1.Check(-4,-1));
   ASSERT_EQ(-2, test1.Check(-6,2));
TEST() and TEST_F() registers the test cases with google test
RUN_ALL_TESTS() registers and runs all the tests in the unit . It can be called from  main()

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

test_component1: libcomponents.a test_ Component1Test.o  g++  -lpthread  libgtest.a  libcomponents.a  -pthread –                coverage   -o $@
Run the unit test cases and capture report in XML using
test_component1 --gtest_output=xml:xunit-report.xml

B. gcovr (GCC Code Coverage Report)

Follow instructions to install gcovr from https://pypi.org/project/gcovr/
   Collect the coverage data and store XML format using the command
 gcovr -x -r . > gcovr-report.xml

Retrieve reports, rules loading, and report analysis

Now we have the cppcheck ,rats, vera,gtest and gcovr report in the form of XML. Now running SonarScanner to push all the reports to the SonarQube server and analyse the report using CommunityC/C++ plugin in the server . The Plugin in SonarQube interprets the reports and generate possible metrics.
1. Create sonar-project.properties file in the root directory of the project to be scanned.
2. Add sonar.projectKey=<project_name> and sonar.login=<Generated-SonarQube-securitytoken> if forceauthentication enabled in SonarQube Server settings.
3. The relevant properties (sonar.cxx.cppcheck.reportPath, sonar.cxx.vera.reportPath etc.) for the reports should be defined in the sonar-scanner.properties file.

# required metadata

# paths to the reports

4. To launch analysis and push the report, run sonar-scanner command from the project root.
5. On successful analysis, EXECUTION SUCCESS message displayed.
6.  Open http://localhost:9000 to access the SonarQube Server dashboard and view the results. The generated report from sample project is described as below

PCLint report is not included.

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